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        Legal Notice

          Legal Statement This website contained all the information (the information) provided by the company, and uploaded to the site audit by the company. The Company endeavors to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information and responsible for the authenticity of the information and legitimacy. However, any errors on this website, lengthy interpretation, misunderstanding, or other any inaccuracies that may appear to understand, the Company will not bear any legal or other responsibility.
          This website for informational purposes only, is a service provided to corporate customers, partners, employees and the public.
          Without our written permission, information and data contained in this website shall not be any purpose in any media, copy, distribute or publish.
          This site contains information and data are subject to change without notice.
          Such that some of the content of the site suspected of infringement, please notify us immediately, we will be deleted the first time.
        Interpretation of the above statement of the Company. Legal, the interpretation of the     Chinese legal basis. Controversial, such as limits to resolve in our seat of the judiciary.

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